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Installation of Automated Weather Station at the Holcim Philippines Inc. Davao Plant

Weather Station from Holcim Philippines Inc. Davao Plant

This is a list of recent activities at the Holcim Philippines, Inc. Davao Plant. Their automated weather station was installed. The training and installation took place over the course of two days.

The event was split over two days. The weather station equipment will be trained and familiarized on the first day of operation. The goal is to teach them how to operate the equipment. From handling to troubleshooting, we've got you covered.

The installation portion is the second day's activities. This is an activity that takes place on-site.

The automated weather station was installed with the assistance of Ma'am Wizlei and his team.

During the action, you can view the image below.

APEXS: Installation of Automated Weather Station at the Holcim Philippines Inc. Davao Plant

Please contact us with any further questions.


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